May 13, 2009

It has been one year and six months to the day since I have posted anything on this account. The trial is in the upcoming weeks and I have decided to update this as much as possible, including my thoughts from blogs on myspace, news articles, and other events that I think are of importance. I will eventually make this into a blog book, thanks to a friend of mine for showing me how, and will later hand it down to her daughters when they are grown women. Here is the rest of the story...

Aug 30, 2007

August 30, 2007-logging in to Brandi's original myspace page

I contacted the myspace department and asked them to help in the investigation by giving her password to her mother or investigators. Their reply is below:
Please have the police contact us so we can assist them with aninvestigation. Please ensure they have the URL to the profile(s) inquestion.
Thank you,

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