May 13, 2009

It has been one year and six months to the day since I have posted anything on this account. The trial is in the upcoming weeks and I have decided to update this as much as possible, including my thoughts from blogs on myspace, news articles, and other events that I think are of importance. I will eventually make this into a blog book, thanks to a friend of mine for showing me how, and will later hand it down to her daughters when they are grown women. Here is the rest of the story...

Nov 13, 2007

'Body Found in the Search for a Missing Hancock County Woman'

Body Found In The Search For A Missing Hancock County Woman
Posted: Nov 10, 2007 08:41 PM CST

Less than a hour after it started, the all out search by more than a hundred volunteers on horseback, 4 wheelers and on foot, was over.
"Oh my gosh. I think I can put this one down in the record books,"says Cindy Wisdom with Texas EquuSearch.
Wisdom's organization lead the effort, and it was up to her to tell Brandi Laurent's family that her body had been found.
"It's gratifying knowing that we came here for a purpose and accomplished our goal, and we can help another family now," says Wisdom. "But it's gut wrenching. It truly is gut wrenching."
The body was discovered just a few hundred yards off County Road 528, the same road Laurent was last seen walking on, in the late night hours of August 3rd.
"We've had this missing girl for about 3 months," Hancock County Sheriff Steve Garber. "We can't confirm who we have out here right now. All we know is we found a body here off of Road 528 in the Fenton community."
But if it is in fact Laurent's body, Hancock County Sheriff Steve Garber has plenty of help to find out how the mother of 2 died just a few miles from her home.
"We have the state crime lab coming," says Garber. "We have the Mississippi Highway Patrol investigators, we have our investigators, the district attorney's office and the coroners office here in the county all working on this."
And Garber says these questions are now one step closer to being answered, thanks to the volunteers who turned out in mass, determined to find 29 year old Brandi Laurent.
"It's been amazing, and you're truly blessed to have all these resources in you community," says Wisdom.
Investigators have brought in temporary lights and plan to work the crime scene throughout the night. The Red Cross and several local restaurants provided food and drinks to the volunteers.
by Don Culpepper
***VIDEO INCLUDED (Upper left hand corner of article)

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